Welcome to the Chicago Gangster's Website,this website is dedicated to all of chi-towns gangster's. Unfortunately I could not include all of them here because it would take a couple of websites to feature them all,but I did include the top sixteen which I feel where a pivotal part of the true Chicago Gangster's image. From the number one gangster of all time, the big guy himself Al Capone to King David Barksdale the founder and undisputed leader of the black disciples. The Chicago Gangster is a unique and fascinating character, unlike other gangster's from New York to London's underworld the Chicago Gangster is the most feared and respected. I am in no way trying to glamorize or portray these men as hero's or role model's that is not my intentions for this website. But to get a glimpse of Chicago's role in the making of a true gangster ,you might ask yourself what is a true gangster?... well after viewing this website I'll let you answer that question yourself. I have also included The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre an event that sealed Chicago as the gangster capital of the world ,also included are The Gangster Disciples and Latin Kings showing you that Chicago is and will always be a gangster city!!!
New Website Coming soon from Midwest Productions!! The corrupted politicians of Chicago from Big Bill Thomson of the twenties to Richard J Daly and his son the biggest Chicago gangster of all time. Also a special tribute to the one and only Ex IL Governor G-Rod who made Ex IL Governor George Ryan who's sitting in prison at this time look like a boy scout. We just want to wait and see what the new gangster's on the block IL Governor Quin and his henchmen have up their sleeve's?
Information gathered from WIKIPEDIA:The internets free encyclopedia.Please use WIKIPEDIA for all your reference needs.For feedback on this website contact midwestproductions@ymail.com Thank You.